Friday, July 18, 2008

Glory to God

A worm brings glory to God by being wormy...
A dog brings glory to God by being doggie..
Man brings glory to God by being ???

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hoping This Week Will Pass Soon

All the busyness and emotional stress that I encountered this week were a blessing from my laziness and procastination habit that was serious this semester.
Here are the collections of stuff I must accomplish this week:

1. Monday- English Presentation on an innovated product, Maths assignment

2. Tuesday- no class but have to rush the business plan and assignment for product development( all this were given in week 3 of the semester but I was LAZY). So the consequences- sleepless tuesday night, death of many of my brain cells, headache and headache...

3. Wednesday- Deadline for business plan, product development assignment and combustion assignment. Thank God, God sent an ANGEL that helped me a lot with my business plan( really owed this angel my everything), I managed to hand in the assigment in time. Besides that, the day has not end, Futsal For ALL (FFA) starts at 6pm till 1am today. I am part of the organizing committee. That means I will have to be busy again. No... Having combustion test 2 tomorrow, still have a lot to study. Really need to score this time as I did not do well in the previous test.

4. Thursday- Futsal Competition again! Quarter Finals > Semi > Finals... Prepare for Maths Test on Friday...

5. Friday- White Friday is coming and i can hear it coming. Hoping this week would pass soon.

Oh Tuhanku, selamatkan aku dari kemalasan aku yang tidak terhingga ini. Amen.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Am I A Good Son?

Much thoughts have been playing in my mind this whole week. From the preparation work for the backwood's man cooking to the study assignments.. everything cant seemed to finish and they had a strong grip on me, not only physically but mentally too. But all this worries boiled down to nothing when I heard of this story.

Now there was a widower who had worked hard to make ends meet for his family. He has put in much hope in his children to change his fate. However, life has gotten tougher even when his children grew up.

His eldest son has always been childish in his decisions-making. He didn't hold any academic qualification and neither did he have any purpose in life. He didn't have a permanent job for more than a month. Everytime he resigned his job on his own without thinking about the consequences. The same thing happens this time round for his job in the supermarket. He got confronted for not performing his duty well. Out of his anger, he just walked off the supermarket and left his job. He didn't inform his father and just left the town.

Now there was another son of his, the second eldest, whom he has put in much time, effort and money in supporting his education even to tertiery level. He had a lucrative job as a qualified accountant. Even so, moral and family values have not sunk deep in him. There was once the man got hurt in the car garage where he worked. His backbone was hurt and he was admitted to hospital. He called his son and told him about the news. The son got angry, and yelled at him for his carelessness. He even warned him that if he gets hurt for the second time, he will not pay his medical fees again. Now here was a poor man, lied helpless on his sick bed. Bitterness and sadness both overwhelmed him.

Behind his bitterness, he smiled to himself a little, realizing that he still has a last hope of being loved and comforted. He decided to call his youngest daughter, the daughter whom he thought was the best of all, for she has been good and obedient in the house. He called her but failed to reach her. With the help of the nurse, he called his daughter for the second, third and fourth time. But all his calls to no avail...

I was very sad for the man. I felt ashamed of the children for being such ruthless lots. Not loving their father and didn't even care to answer his call of despair. After a while, i realised that I am no better than them. I have taken for granted the things that Daddy gave to me. The air that I breathed, the chirping of birds that lighten up the morning, the sunshine that gives warmth, the rain that cooled down the torment and the privilege of being His child. I have only been crying for His help when I am in difficulties. I have never to even care to listen to Him when he wants to talk to me. How do I love one whom I don't even know. He didn't need us to live, but He yearns to communicate with His child, his own creation and masterpiece.