Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hoping This Week Will Pass Soon

All the busyness and emotional stress that I encountered this week were a blessing from my laziness and procastination habit that was serious this semester.
Here are the collections of stuff I must accomplish this week:

1. Monday- English Presentation on an innovated product, Maths assignment

2. Tuesday- no class but have to rush the business plan and assignment for product development( all this were given in week 3 of the semester but I was LAZY). So the consequences- sleepless tuesday night, death of many of my brain cells, headache and headache...

3. Wednesday- Deadline for business plan, product development assignment and combustion assignment. Thank God, God sent an ANGEL that helped me a lot with my business plan( really owed this angel my everything), I managed to hand in the assigment in time. Besides that, the day has not end, Futsal For ALL (FFA) starts at 6pm till 1am today. I am part of the organizing committee. That means I will have to be busy again. No... Having combustion test 2 tomorrow, still have a lot to study. Really need to score this time as I did not do well in the previous test.

4. Thursday- Futsal Competition again! Quarter Finals > Semi > Finals... Prepare for Maths Test on Friday...

5. Friday- White Friday is coming and i can hear it coming. Hoping this week would pass soon.

Oh Tuhanku, selamatkan aku dari kemalasan aku yang tidak terhingga ini. Amen.

1 comment:

karmen said...

Bro oh bro.. Wanna be active also need to know how to balance right? Take care la bro! What I can do now is only pray for you.. Nothing else that I can do..