Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Total Mess

It was indeed prophecy came true.

Trasient period before disaster struck. - 'Profet' Vincent

29 October 08
After eating dinner, I came back to my room. I took a quick shower before getting myself stick to my chair for some final touches to my revision for tomorrow's subject. Before I could even get myself going, I found myself being attacked by the virus of laziness and 'stress-free'. And so I got myself entertained by a two episodes of shin chan ( mind you, it took me on 14.44 minutes to finish), hoping that I can rid myself of the paralysis and can start off with a bit of last minute revision. After that 14.44 minutes, I am still crippled. I got myself to bed early, all determined to wake up at 5am tomorrow to study. I rolled. I turned a little. I tried to sleep but suddenly my heatbeat got faster. A wave of stress suddenly gushed towards me. After rolling on the bed for like an hour, I couldn't sleep. I pushed my lazy butt up and switched on my table lamp and immediately changed to study mode. Looking at those graphical method for velocity and acceleration, mass balancing and some vibration notes, I thought to myself: Gee, I know them. After a quick browsing through that whole lot, for about an hour? My eyes got heavy, it's finally time to sleep.

30 October 08
I woke up at 7.25am. I got up to wash up and had a quick breakfast. Off I went to my exam hall. Upon reaching the hall, I took all the necessary stuff for my exam, chose a good seat and sat down. Yeah! It's finally here. The paper that I put a lot of hope in. A chance to redeem myself from the pool of Bs for the past few Dynamics
papers I took. The invigilator signalled us to start and it began. Glancing through the questions, to the shock of my life, I found myself entangled in an terribly stressed up situation. What is this?!?!!! I don't even know how to solve this question. "Four bar linkage requiring us to find the two angular velocities and angular acceleration, later to verify it by graphical method." The strange thing is that an equation is given and it took me a while to digest it. Now when it reached the graphical method, I am unsure of the steps. The same thing happened for other questions. All my CONFIDENCE ARE SHATTERED.

Lord, I am a failure again. After all this while, I still need your miracle in my results. SORRY MUM, I FAILED YOU AGAIN...

Disaster really strucked- Fulfilled by 'Profet' Vincent

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trasient Period Before Disaster Strucks

Bangun pagi,
Gosok gigi,
Cuci muka,
Pakai baju,
Makan roti,
Minum susu,
Semua orang suka hati..

I don't know for what reason, this song played in my mind when i woke up this morning. I wonder what happened to my pre-exam stress. I am not that prepared for exam this time. But where are those worries and pressure that normally come during exam period? I am worried that I am not worried for exam now.
Mum messaged me a couple weeks ago reminding me to study hard because she has put in high hope on me. I kept reminiding myself to study hard, but the spirit has just lasted for a mere two to three weeks before I tumble again. Was it due to myself yielding to temptations like FIFA 08 (that has been both a blessing and curse to me), sports?, movies (neh, I am not an ardent fan of movies), music all day long, experimenting some nice songs on my guitar... and the list of distractions go on and on. Nevertheless, here am I at the last corner before I come to my first paper in another 22 hours. Now, pray for me as I need to score at least B in both my papers or myw pathway to Leeds will be doomed. Thanks to my lackadaisical attitude that has pulled down my average to the borderline since my degree first semester. Now that I have reached this stage of my study life. Just one more semester before I finish my course locally and waiting to board plane to U.K.

I faileth not.

Pray for this two subjects of mine that sounded very engineering. Yes, they are.